Lee County Florida Port St. Lucie Hurricane Claims Attorney Harold Truppman. Sanibel Cape Coral and Fort Myers Hurricane Storm Attorney. First and foremost, our hearts go out to all those affected by the path of Hurricane Ian. We are here to help you with all of your claim needs. Most people know the amount of damage a major hurricane can inflict on a neighborhood and/or city. Billions of dollars spent in Florida repairing property damage is usually only the beginning. The individuals left to clean up, rebuild, and find a way to move on with life understandably find the aftermath to be the most challenging.
The Law Offices of Harold B. Klite Truppman in South Florida represents Florida policy holders in hurricane insurance claim disputes with insurance companies — one of the many ways we fight for the people to hold these companies accountable for their negligence. Hurricanes and tropical storms, such as Michael or Irma, can unleash devastating destruction upon homes and businesses. They can damage a building’s structure or the contents inside the home or business, leading to loss of possessions and business income and displacement, among other things. We service claims for the entire state of Florida including during hurricane season.
Ideally, homeowners and property insurance would cover the damage the policy says it will cover — that’s why you dutifully pay your premiums, after all. However, it’s not often so easy. There is nothing we pay more money for and understand less than insurance.
Harold B. Klite Truppman, P.A.
28 West Flagler Street, Suite 201, Miami, Florida 33130 – (305) 374-7974