South Florida Illegal Towing Attorney. Our attorneys represent individuals, businesses, condo associations and homeowner’s associations in a wide range of insurance law matters as well as illegal towing. We do not represent insurance companies. Our goal is to provide competent, honest and tenacious legal representation. We believe well-prepared cases result in favorable outcomes. Our attorneys commit the necessary resources, expertise and time to maximize financial recovery. We are dedicated to achieving success for our clients.
Illegally towed vehicles are becoming more and more common in and around the Miami, Broward and Palm Beach area and throughout the State of Florida. Anyone towing a vehicle in Florida without the consent of the owner must comply with the requirements of Florida Statutes Section 715.07. If you park and your car and it is gone when you return to where you originally parked it, contact the local police department or sheriff’s office to report the vehicle as missing. Local law enforcement will be able to tell you whether your vehicle has been towed and, if so, which towing company towed the vehicle and where your vehicle is stored. If you were not parked illegally, and your car was still towed, contact an attorney. There are several things you can do if your car has been illegally towed. Your rights may have been violated. If you returned to your vehicle and it was in the process of being towed, the tow truck driver must agree to lower the vehicle and charge you only half of the locally-allowable rate. If the tow truck operator does not agree to do this, your vehicle may have been illegally towed.
Also, if your vehicle was damaged in the towing process, you may recover the costs to repair your vehicle. If your vehicle was taken to a storage location too far from the location of the tow, your rights may have been violated.
Our office can help you recover your expenses and put a stop to the towing companies’ outrageous behavior. Often, there is no out of pocket costs to you. We represent illegal towing clients in Miami, Broward and Palm Beach counties, including and throughout the State of Florida.
To arrange a consultation, please contact us by email or call 305-374-7974. We represent clients with insurance disputes throughout the State of Florida.
Harold B. Klite Truppman, P.A.
28 West Flagler Street, Suite 201, Miami, Florida 33130 – (305) 374-7974